Juniors/Colts Cricket at PRCC
Junior cricket at PRCC is currently administered by High Wycombe Cricket Club, with PRCC acting as a regional development hub. High Wycombe CC are running numerous age group fixtures at PRCC, in addition to All Stars and Dynamos programmes.
Please contact chris@2bactive.com or secretary@prcc.org.uk for further details.
We currently have ECB qualified coaches at the club:
ECB Level 1: Andy Hitchcock; Andy Pitt; Damien Pitt; Adam Morton; Pratik Bhattacharya
Welfare: PRCC has a detailed policy relating to the welfare of our youngsters and has been awarded the ECB 'ClubMark' certificate - please see
this page.
Any problems or concerns should be referred immediately to our Welfare Secretary welfare@prcricket.org.uk